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Experiments with Colour Blotching
Re-colour an image according to different brightness criteria. Needs a bit of experiment with the sliders to get a satisfyingly artistic or *meaningful* result. The changed image is shown below the sliders. And the purpose of it all? I don’t know. Yet. It does help in the understanding of colour brightness levels.
Select picture
or specify image url apply
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where the difference in brightness between RED element of a pixel and the next highest of the triad is greater than the brightness-diff slider value, pixel will become the red-replace colour
brightnesss diff:
  red-replace hex:        
where the difference in brightness between GREEN element of a pixel and the next highest of the triad is greater than the brightness-diff slider value, pixel will become the green-replace colour
brightnesss diff:
  green-replace hex:        
where the difference in brightness between BLUE element of a pixel and the next highest of the triad is greater than the brightness-diff slider value, pixel will become the blue-replace colour
brightnesss diff:
  blue-replace hex:        
pixels will be black where they are not alredy converted and the brightness is <= the slider value>
pixels will be white where they are not already converted and the brightness is >= the slider value
grey-replace hex:        
all other pixels will become this shade of grey
There are different formulas for calculating relative brightness:
Explanation of each formula at foot of page.
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to filename: type:
Brightness levels, STW*, W3C YIQ, CIE XYZ, Lightness and Average, are calculated according to five different formulas for converting to greyscale.
(On the first three of the brightness conversions, STW*, YIQ and XYZ, green will take strong precedence over red, and red strong precedence over blue. That’s because it does, with those brightness conversion formulas.)
STW* is the formula devised by me, and discussed in detail on Readable Text in Colour – STW*. You’ll probably find that this is the option that gives the most convincing relative brightness level results. It usually does.
W3C YIQ is the YIQ formula recommended by the W3C and discussed on Holes in the W3C Colour Readability Guidelines.
The formulas for other three: CIE XYZ, Lightness and Average, can be found on Puzzling Greys.

more experiments for the sake of my dreams