Santa Vittoria in Matenano
Casa Matita
House of Hilary, Dave, Kate and Mick

Casa Matita how much?

If you are a friend of Dave & Hilary or Kate & Mick, you can stay in Casa Matita and we charge a nominal amount to cover the cost of Grazia the cleaning lady, electricity, gas, water, logs, etc. If you don’t know Dave, or Hilary, or Kate, or Mick, then you can’t stay there because that would cost us in Italian income tax.

This is what we charge you to stay in Casa Matita

per week (7 nights) per part-week of 4 nights or less
1 or 2 people £210 £150
3 or 4 people £350 £250
5 or 6 people £420 £300

Children count as persons unless they are less than 5 years-old.

Please ask for rates if staying at Casa Matita in the winter.

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